error on fvwm startup on 9.1-RELEASE

Julian H. Stacey jhs at
Wed May 15 00:23:54 UTC 2013

> From:		dirk.meyer at (Dirk Meyer)
> Date:		Tue, 14 May 2013 21:38:53 +0200

> Hallo Julian H. Stacey,

Hi Dirk,
Thanks for looking, to keep others if any in the loop, I restored
cc: ports at

> > I asked dinoex at (cc'd) the following a month back,
> > but seen no reply, (maybe he's busy or away, or a spam filter ate it),
> > so does anyone else have ideas ? Thanks.
> I can reproduce the problem now,

OK, Thanks, so its not my local environment then. 

> But still have no idea what the cause is.

Nor me either, I tried all this to narrow it down:
    I tried fvwm -debug & ls -ltr /var/log
    & tinkering with original RC file, & patching out bits of system.fvwmrc,
    assuming something failing around
    	*GoodStuff -  clock.xpm   Swallow "xclock" xclock -bg \#908090 -geometry -1500-1500 -padding 0
    	*GoodStuff(4x1) - whatever SwallowModule "FvwmPager" FvwmPager 0 3
    but no luck, I didn't persevere, as I noted:
    	cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/fvwm/files/ ; /bin/ls -1 | wc -l # 41
    	cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/fvwm2/files/ ; /bin/ls -1 | wc -l # 2
    so wondered if you'd had problems feeding back to, & if I should
    just move to fvwm2 & customise from there ?
    > The buildlog doesn't differ enought.
    Differ from what ? another earlier that works ?
    > It might be a problem with 64bit at all.
    .........^^ If there's a missing Not implied there ?
    Then I have a spare 386 box I could upgrade to test on: uname -a
    	FreeBSD 7.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.4-RELEASE
    	#0: Fri Jul  8 01:32:40 CEST 2011
    	jhs at i386
    Its unlikely to be 386 related I guess, as
    my system.fvwmrc runs on all from {FreeBSD-4.11 to 8.2 } {586 & amd } OK.
    The amd64 laptop I'm testing on has 3 boot partitions with 9.1-RELEASE,
    9.0-RELEASE & 8.3-RELEASE I just re-installed Version 1.24r on all
    3, & starting with both default /usr/local/lib/X11/fvwm/system.fvwmrc &
    my customised system.fvwmrc, I am seeing the same problem on all 6 
    combinations of 3 x OS-version x 2 x RC files :

    No lines as in pictures at:
    My desktop, also an amd64, with 8.2-RELEASE is OK.
    from both {8.2 am64 desktop} & a {7.4 i386 ) I can get lines OK on my
    amd64 9.1-rel OK with
    	setenv DISPLAY lapr:0

Maybe something is being installed/ damaged/ shared between
not cleaned by make deinstall ?  
	cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/fvwm; make deinstall
		===>  Deinstalling for x11-wm/fvwm
		===>   fvwm-1.24r_4 has a different PREFIX: 
			/ad6s4/release/9.1-RELEASE/local, skipping
	cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/fvwm2; make deinstall
		===>  Deinstalling for x11-wm/fvwm2
		===>   fvwm-2.6.5_1 has a different PREFIX: 
			/ad6s4/release/9.1-RELEASE/local, skipping
	pkg_delete /var/db/pkg/fvwm-2.6.5_1;
	cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/fvwm; make reinstall
		worked but didn't help remove anything hidden interfering.

I took a quick look at various bits of 
Should we ask there ? Or would answer just be "Try 2.x"
Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich
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