teTeX and TeXLive

Florent Peterschmitt florent at peterschmitt.fr
Sun May 12 09:44:26 UTC 2013

Le 11/05/2013 20:36, Hiroki Sato a écrit :
> Hello,
>  As you already noticed, TeXLive ports have been imported and one can
>  choose teTeX or TeXLive while the default value for pre-compiled
>  packages is still teTeX.
>  If you want to use TeXLive, please try to use the following knob:
>  TEX_DEFAULT= texlive
>  To do this, almost all of ports which use TeX will depend on TeXLive.
>  Although some ports which install a new TeX macro package may not
>  work because of incompatibility such as difference of directory
>  structure between the two, ones which use TeX for typesetting should
>  work fine.  Ones to install macro packages which were non-standard in
>  teTeX but are included in TeXLive will be fixed or removed.
>  Please test TeXLive and send your failure report to me.  Once it is
>  confirmed that TEX_DEFAULT=texlive works, I will switch the default
>  value from tetex to texlive at some point.
> -- Hiroki
Oh really nice, thanks a lot !

Florent Peterschmitt
+33 (0)6 64 33 97 92
florent at peterschmitt.fr

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