security/libgcrypt checksum mismatch

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Sun May 12 07:23:16 UTC 2013

On 12/05/2013 08:11, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 11/05/2013 22:15, RW wrote:
>> FWIW I fetch files like this:
>>   for porg in `pkg version -Iol'<' |awk '{ print $1 }'`  ; do
>>       echo "Checking - ${porg}"
>>       cd  /usr/ports/${porg} 
>>       make checksum || (
>>          export RANDOMIZE_MASTER_SITES=yes 
>>          make distclean
>>          make checksum
>>      ) 
>>   done
>> I do it that way because it avoids a lot of problems with rerolled
>> files, but it would help with this problem too. 
> I'm sorry, but this is a really bad idea and an irresponsible thing to
> advise anyone else to do.  You're throwing away all the security
> benefits of using checksums, which are essentially that you can tell if
> anyone has tampered with the distfiles you intend to compile.
> If you don't understand why that matters, then try reading this:

Damn.  I'm sorry.  I misread your code. It's perfectly fine.

I apologise unreservedly for my earlier message.


Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.

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