security/libgcrypt checksum mismatch

Gary J. Hayers gary at
Sat May 11 14:05:44 UTC 2013

I'm on a brit ISP too, Virgin Media, not sure if they do something 
simular, I wonder if it is fetch(1) that is doing it, when manually 
downloading distfiles I use wget which shows no symptoms for downloading 
mismatch files...

On 11/05/2013 14:59, N.J. Mann wrote:
> In message <20130511115228.GC94348 at>,
> I now know why I get HTML files when trying to fetch these distfiles.
> The common factor is that they all use HTTP rather FTP for fetching.
> For HTTP fetches my ISP (British Telecom, aka BT) will display a
> "helpful" 'sorry no one at home' web page when the fetch fails, and that
> is what I end up with in the distfile.  Thankfully, this 'nice' feature
> can be disabled.  Once disabled 'make fetch' does its job of trying the
> next site after the failure and the proper file(s) are downloaded.
> I do not know whether other ISPs do something similar, does anyone?  I
> wonder whether FTP sites should be listed before HTTP ones?
> Cheers,
>         Nick.

Gary J. Hayers
gary at

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