x11-toolkits/qt33 dependents

Beeblebrox zaphod at berentweb.com
Fri May 10 18:11:22 UTC 2013

there are still several ports which insist on x11-toolkits/qt33 as dependency
when in fact devel/qt4-qt3support should (?) be used. these dependencies
create conflicts with qt4 related ports.  Some of the remaining depends are

I wish I could provide a patch, but I am still some ways from being able to
do that.

10-Current-amd64-using ccache-portstree merged with marcuscom.gnome3 & xorg.devel

View this message in context: http://freebsd.1045724.n5.nabble.com/x11-toolkits-qt33-dependents-tp5810306.html
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