devel/imake build breaks

Florent Peterschmitt florent at
Mon May 6 17:46:57 UTC 2013

Le 06/05/2013 19:37, Beeblebrox a écrit :
> /usr/local/bin has a file name gcp - that's the pre-processor AFAIK. So this?
> # ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcp /usr/local/bin/gcpp
> # ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcp /usr/bin/gcpp

gcp ? huh. Try a man (no a men, a $ man gcp) or pkg query %Fp gcc | grep
gcp at firts.

Florent Peterschmitt
+33 (0)6 64 33 97 92
florent at

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