ports/178250: Fix build failures of japanese/{mozc-server, mozc-tool, ibus-mozc, mozc-el}

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Sun May 5 08:48:54 UTC 2013

Hiroki Sato <hrs at freebsd.org> wrote
  in <20130505.163103.757541635420675768.hrs at allbsd.org>:

hr>  I've added Japanese zipcode dictionary, too:
hr>   http://people.allbsd.org/~hrs/FreeBSD/mozc_port_full_20130505-2.tar.gz
hr>   http://people.allbsd.org/~hrs/FreeBSD/mozc_port_20130505-2.diff
hr>  This patchset is now in a good shape for average users, though I am
hr>  still working on build issue on big-endian platforms while mozc
hr>  supports only LE in the original distribution.

 Gr, I forgot to add leim-list.el to the patch.


 After installing japanese/mozc-el, mozc is automatically added as an
 Emacs input method.  Note that noisy message may be displayed when
 both editors/tamago and mozc.el are installed.  It will be fixed on
 the Tamago side once mozc ports are updated.

-- Hiroki
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