[CFT] New dialog for ports
Daniel Nebdal
dnebdal at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 18:47:00 UTC 2013
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:19 PM, Vitaly Magerya <vmagerya at gmail.com> wrote:
> Daniel Nebdal wrote:
>> I just found a niggle:
>> I have LANG=en_US.UTF-8 , NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1, TERM=xterm, and I'm
>> using putty to connect to a FreeBSD-10 machine running a snapshot from
>> february with ports from an hour ago. Putty is set to Translation:
>> UTF-8, and "use unicode line drawing code points".
>> With those settings, dialog gives me nice line drawing characters (for
>> some reason). If I unset NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS, all boxes are drawn
>> using random letters instead. (jlmqx, to be exact.)
> They're not actually random; 'jlmqx' is the ASCII rendering of line
> drawing characters in ACS (alternative charset), which putty doesn't
> support in UTF-8 mode (therefore it shows the ASCII, not the ASC versions).
>> The problem: ports config dialogs are _always_ drawn with the same
>> random letters, and I haven't found any setting or combination of
>> settings that works.
>> This is probably more of a mis-configuration on my side
> I'm seeing the same thing too.
> I think I've found what causes it: unlike dialog, dialog4ports does not
> call setlocale(3) during startup. Try saving the attached patch as
> 'ports-mgmt/dialog4ports/files/patch-dialog4ports.c' and reinstalling
> dialog4ports; report back if it'll help.
That works perfectly - thanks.
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