OptionsNG and defaults

Pawel Pekala pawel at FreeBSD.org
Thu Jun 20 13:58:28 UTC 2013

Dnia 2013-06-20, o godz. 16:21:19
Boris Samorodov <bsam at passap.ru> napisał(a):

>Hi All,
>I try to convert a port to optionsNG. The defaults for the port now are
>DOCS=on, EXAMPLES=off. I'd like to not change them. The PH just says
>that those options are on by default.
>How should I disable EXAMPLES option for the port (at it's Makefile)?

.include <bsd.port.options.mk>


This _seems_ to work for me, it's not tested much. I`m curious why you
want to do this, some slave port hack?

pozdrawiam / with regards
Paweł Pękala

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