Why was the ventrilo-server port removed?

Mark Felder feld at feld.me
Tue Jun 4 23:19:43 UTC 2013

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013, at 16:34, Bob Willcox wrote:
> I just noticed that the port for audio/ventrilo-server has been removed. 
> The
> 'depricated because' reason says "No more public distfiles", yet as far
> as I
> can tell the distfile for the freebsd version is still available from
> www.ventrilo.com. It requires a manual download as you have to accept the
> license agreement, but I don't think that has changed from when I first
> downloaded it.
> So, anyone know if there some other reason for its removal?

I don't know what the policy is because there are other ports that have
restricted distfiles. Maybe it was just unmaintained? You could submit a
patch to make it interactive and display a message about manually
fetching the distfile. 

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