Would software "for non-commercial use" be acceptable as a port?

Peter Looyenga pl at catslair.org
Sun Jul 28 12:59:55 UTC 2013

> There are a number of entries in ports/LEGAL along the lines of "no
> commercial use", often with RESTRICTED or NO_CDROM or the like also
> set in the ports' Makefile's.  Lots of examples to extrapolate from
> there. 

Thanks for the pointers. I had already skimmed through the Porters handbook
but was under the impression that the limitations one could place on the
software only involved around distribution or storage and not so much other
forms of licensing as well.

Obviously it didn't help to overlook LEGAL completely as well :-)

Now I have plenty of material and examples to work with, and will contact
the company behind this software to check if they agree with my ideas as

Kind regards,


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