"postfix-current" broken on amd64 platform

Sahil Tandon sahil+freebsd-ports at tandon.net
Mon Jan 28 02:59:25 UTC 2013

On Mon, 2012-11-26 at 07:05:59 +1100, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> ...
> [postfix dies with a "Protocol not supported" when built in a jail
>  without an IPv6 address]
> ... 
> I've just bumped into this exact situation with mail/postfix28 and
> suspect that earlier postfix ports have the same issue.  The above fix
> works on postfix28 and I would request that it be added to that port's
> patch list.  Since this is a workaround for a FreeBSD-specific issue,
> I don't believe it's reasonable to expect Wietse to patch old postfix
> variants to work around it.

OK, mail/postfix2[6-8] are now patched.  Let me know if you have any

Sahil Tandon
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