www/opera ISSUE Java Plugin missing

Joseph A. Nagy, Jr jnagyjr1978 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 00:57:26 UTC 2013

On 01/18/13 13:19, awarecons wrote:
>> Are you saying the handbook instructions for enabling java in Opera
>> do not work, then?
> Seems to be so in the case.
>> You're doing something wrong, than. Opera 12.12 on my system
>> catches java/icedtea-web I just installed Opera, launched it, and
>> checked the plugin list[0,1].
> I've installed the same vers. of plugin: icedtea-web-1.3.1   A free
> Java plug-in and Java Web Start for OpenJDK
> And, as it was mentioned above, IcedTeaPlugin.so is caught by
> FireFox, SeaMonkey, Chromium and Epiphany even)) except Opera.
> Obvious diff. is in arch (i386) and osvers. (9.0-REL-p5), but it
> would be strange if it really matters in the case...

I don't think it would, but I only installed Opera to prove on my system
whether or not Opera was catching the plugin. I think it's one of the
worst browsers in existence (next to IE).

> May there be such dependence that java/icedtea-web needs to be
> installed _strictly_ after browser(s) installation, not before?

I installed the icetea-web plugin after I installed Firefox and haven't
touched it since then except for updates. I absolutely didn't issue a
single command except to launch Opera after I installed it. So when I 
say I just installed Opera, that is all I literally did.

Check ~/.opera/pluginpath.ini

this is what mine looks like

I have no idea if Opera catches any of these paths, these are the 
defaults upon install.
Yours in Christ,

Joseph A Nagy Jr
"Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction
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