Bug in mail/mpop options list: only NLS appears in dialog

Thomas Mueller mueller6724 at bellsouth.net
Mon Feb 11 05:13:17 UTC 2013

I notice a crippling bug in mail/mpop options: only NLS option appears in dialog, while Makefile shows SSL/TLS-related options as well.

I updated mpop as part of 
portmaster -r libtasn1
as prescribed in UPDATING file.

So I lost TLS support and can't download email any more, at least not with mpop:

mpop: support for TLS is not compiled in

So how do I get around this?  For now, I will have to use the mail archives on the FreeBSD web site.

I even tried editing /var/db/ports/mpop/options directly with vi, and adding to /etc/make.conf:


but nothing would make it stick, I still got the dreaded config dialog.

Or is something else broken in mail/mpop ?

How to set BATCH (syntax) for make and portmaster?

I need a way to configure options without ever again having to see a dialog!  Both for all ports and for individual ports, like my NetBSD /etc/mk.conf :

# Example /usr/pkg/etc/mk.conf file produced by bootstrap-pkgsrc
# Sat Nov 27 22:37:13 UTC 2010

.ifdef BSD_PKG_MK	# begin pkgsrc settings

PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+= ssl inet6 cups esound ncurses sndfile gtk2 x11 fftw
PKG_DBDIR=		/var/db/pkg
LOCALBASE=		/usr/pkg
VARBASE=		/var
PKG_TOOLS_BIN=		/usr/pkg/sbin
WRKDIR_BASENAME=        work51
PKG_OPTIONS.msmtp+= idn 
PKG_OPTIONS.lame+= gtk unicode
PKG_OPTIONS.gtk2+= cups
PKG_OPTIONS_vlc+= sdl
PKG_OPTIONS_cups+= threads
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= socks5-license

.endif			# end pkgsrc settings


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