FreeBSD Port: postfix-2.9.4,1

Sahil Tandon sahil+freebsd-ports at
Sun Feb 10 06:03:26 UTC 2013

On Sat, 2013-02-09 at 14:08:40 +0100, Uwe Reiher wrote:

> please test the current openssl port openssl-1.0.1_6 against the
> postfix port.
> I've found out (after a long night yesterday) that this version
> triggers many errors in TLS handling and the whole TLS/SSL thing in
> postfix is still unuseable. I still have to downgrade to
> openssl-1.0.1_4.

I am sorry to hear you are having trouble, but - as others have already
explained - this is not a Postfix issue.

Sahil Tandon

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