If a port requires xorg-server's source tree, how to write Makefile?

meta meta at vmeta.jp
Sun Feb 3 12:30:46 UTC 2013


A few times I've already posted freebsd-ports list that I'm working for
creating a port net/tigervnc. It is almost be done  but I have a 

TigerVNC's source tree is not complete to make everything.  We have to
put freebsd-patched xorg-server's source tree into its tree. I tried
like this. It builds fine with WITH_NEW_XORG and old xorg.

Is this a bad idea? Should I take another way?

   ${MAKE} -C ../../x11-servers/xorg-server patch
   ${CP} -R 
../../x11-servers/xorg-server/work/xorg-server-${XORG_VERSION}/* \

   ${MAKE} -C ../../x11-servers/xorg-server clean

This tarball is my temporary working port.

`whois vmeta.jp | nkf -w`
meta <meta at vmeta.jp>

TigerVNC project is to merge enhancements of all different VNCs and
has unity in mind. For further information. Please see:

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