Screen vertical split

Zsolt Udvari udvzsolt at
Sat Dec 28 17:43:12 UTC 2013

Sorry, if I was equivocal:
* I'm using tmux and I can split vertically (and horizontally, of course :) )
* I'm not using screen but I've installed for a probe and I think
isn't possible to split vertically (without patching)


2013/12/28 Florent Peterschmitt <florent at>:
> Le 28/12/2013 17:07, Zsolt Udvari a écrit :
>> 2013/12/28 James Griffin <jmzgriffin at>:
>>> yeah, it's in the docs I found online, although not in the man page on
>>> FreeBSD.
>> Ahh. I don't find it in FreeBSD's manpage.
>> I'm using tmux but installed now screen and as I see there's not vertical split.
> What version of FreeBSD and Screen/Tmux are you using? I can do a
> vertical split with Tmux 1.7/1.8 (dont know for screen) and FreeBSD 9/10
> --
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