math/ggobi does not build, if graphics/graphviz installed

Rainer Hurling rhurlin at
Thu Apr 25 05:40:04 UTC 2013

Am 24.04.2013 22:53 (UTC+1) schrieb Greg Larkin:
> On 4/24/13 1:38 PM, Rainer Hurling wrote:
>> Oops, sorry for answering myself. But the typo gremlin appeared.
>> On 23.04.2013 18:38 (UTC+2), Rainer Hurling wrote:
>>> Dear developers,
>>> I am the maintainer of math/ggobi and I could need some help for
>>> a longstanding problem with the build of ggobi (not seen by
>>> tinderbox):
>>> With graphics/graphviz installed, math/ggobi finds this external 
>>> installation by its configure script in plugins/GraphLayout. Then
>>> it tries to use it instead of its internal graphviz version and
>>> fails when trying to build the port.
>> The configure also sets HAVE_LIBGVC=1.
>>> The diff between graphics/graphviz/Makefile with/without
>>> external
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ plugins/GraphLayout/Makefile
>>> graphviz found is like this (the first version does not build):
>>> 158,159c158,159 < LIBGVC_CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include/graphviz <
>>> LIBGVC_LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib/graphviz -lgvc -lgraph -lcdt ---
>>> I am looking for either an elegant way to forbid this configure
>>> script to use the external graphviz or to use the external
>>> graphviz correctly, when installed.
>>> If this would be possible, an option in the ports Makefile could
>>> switch between them (and install external graphviz, if wanted).
>>> Could someone with more experience be so kind to push me in the
>>> right direction, please.
>>> Many thanks in advance, Rainer Hurling
> Hi Rainer,
> Can you post an excerpt of the build failure log file when math/ggobi
> attempts to build graphics/graphviz?

Hi Greg,

I created an excerpt of the build log and put it together with
config.log as a zip in the attachment.

Please tell me, if I should provide more information.

Many thanks for your answer,

> Thank you,
> Greg
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