optionsng not saving options on some ports

poyopoyo at puripuri.plala.or.jp poyopoyo at puripuri.plala.or.jp
Wed Apr 24 16:58:28 UTC 2013

Hi Kevin,

Please refer to this thread:

to summarize,
- participants: avilla, bapt and others
- a problem, persistent for a long time, is confirmed.
- resolution looks complicated and need careful inspection and time.
- then three weeks passed.

I think what it needs is swarm of band-aid, such as adding dedicated
OPTIONSFILE to each affected ports. This is really a mess, but it
would work as being advertised immediately. I'd prefer working code
to yet-to-be-written-proper-fix.

Year it's true that this is not an urgent problem at all because
we are living with it for a long time. Just we were unaware of it
and bapt has visualized this hidden disease for us. pop!


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