No address record

Bernhard Fröhlich decke at
Fri Apr 12 18:08:34 UTC 2013

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 5:52 PM, Fernando Apesteguía
<fernando.apesteguia at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting a "No address record" error[1] trying to build cad/openvsp in
> redports.
> It builds fine in my local machine and I can access the URL with the
> browser too.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks in advance.
> [1]

That is a known limitation of the new redports setup. The long story
is that the new redports backends are IPv6 only machines now in a
private IPv6 address space and their only internet access is via an
Squid proxy that allows FTP/HTTP/HTTPS.

Since our fetch(1) does not support proxies for HTTPS connections
it tries to lookup the domain himself and fails because it does not
have a DNS server or direct internet access. So in the end it is a
bug or missing feature of our fetch. I've CCD des@ just in case he
has a good idea.

The best way to workaround that right now is to add an HTTP or FTP
mirror and we should add one for GITHUB in portstree because that
seems to be one of the most affected one.

Bernhard Froehlich

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