pkg_version: the package info for package '...' is corrupt
Leslie Jensen
leslie at
Tue Apr 2 09:42:06 UTC 2013
2013-04-02 11:08, Ronald F. Guilmette skrev:
> [[ I asked about this problem on the -questions list a couple of days
> ago, but didn't get any relevant replies, so I'm trying again here
> on the -ports list. Apologies if you see this twice. ]]
> A couple of days ago my system just simply decided to power itself off
> (twice) whilst I was in the middle of doing "portupgrade -a".
> I have since learned that the unscheduled and unexpected power offs
> were due to a CPU cooling problem. I believe that I have that problem
> in hand now.
> Separately however, and probably as result of the sudden power offs,
> when I run pkg_version now I am getting many messages relating to
> various of my installed packages, all having the following general
> form:
> pkg_version: the package info for package 'PKG' is corrupt
> where `PKG' is the name of some package or another that I have installed.
> I have at least 6 such messages for different packages I have installed...
> and probably more.
> I googled around a bit and did not find any good explanation for the
> above error or, more importantly, what to do about it.
> I gather however that my package data base has become corrupted.
> OK, so how does one rebuild that from scratch?
> Please don't tell me that I have to reinstall every bleedin' port from
> scratch!
> Regards,
> rfg
> P.S. Oh! And by the way, I just happen to have made a full system backup
> quite recently. Do I just simply need to get the entire contents of
> /var/db/pkg/ from that backup, and then do "rm -fr /var/db/pkg" and then
> copy my backup copy of /var/db/pkg to the real /var/db/pkg ?
> Will that fix the problem?
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Are you using pkg? If so the command should be pkg version without the
PS: Your private mail address bounces. I've tried two different SMTP
<rfg at>: host[] said:
550 5.7.1 <[]>: Client host rejected: is
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