[FreeBSD-Announce] Announcing the end of port CVS

Chris Rees utisoft at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 15:11:04 UTC 2012

On 7 Sep 2012 15:39, "Pawel Pekala" <pawel at freebsd.org> wrote:
> Dnia 2012-09-07, o godz. 12:57:42
> "Steven Hartland" <killing at multiplay.co.uk> napisał(a):
> >Is there no way to tell it not to delete unknown files so we
> >don't have to add addional steps to the workflow flow of adding
> >additional patches to local port builds?
> >
> >I appreciate things must move forward but this seems like a step
> >backwards in terms of functionality :(
> I`m using portsnap for some time now and wanted to have my /usr/ports
> untouched but also I have my own patches for some of the software that
> I use. I have come up with not ideal but simple solution, my make.conf
> contains something like this:
> .if ${.CURDIR:M/usr/ports/*}
> LOCALPATCHDIR=  /home/corn/patches
> . if exists(${LOCALPATCHDIR}/${.CURDIR:T})
> . endif
> .endif
> LOCALPATCHDIR contains folders with names of ports I want to patch
> which hold my patches inside them.
> Be aware that this will break when you want to patch port that shares
> name with some other port but different category. This situation is
> rare but it could happen.
> This inconvenience could probably be easily fixed when UNIQUENAME work
> will be committed to the ports tree, but I'm not sure when this will be.

Well, as long as they don't collide with any files named, I'm pretty sure
svn will ignore them, and even merge changes (eg to Makefiles)


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