Having problems downloading source from Sourceforge

Jason Helfman jgh at FreeBSD.org
Thu Oct 25 22:25:49 UTC 2012

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Paul Schmehl <pschmehl_lists at tx.rr.com>wrote:

> I decided to work on a new port - phpwhois.  But I can't seem to get this
> thing to download no matter what I try.
> It's located at Sourceforge. <http://sourceforge.net/**
> projects/phpwhois/files/**phpwhois/<http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpwhois/files/phpwhois/>
> >
> When I run make makesum, I get tons of Moved temporarily errors.
> I've tried SF as the master site, I've tried master_site_subdir.  I've
> tried pointing to the url directly.  Nothing works.  What am I missing?  I
> can download the file directly with no problem, but that won't help build a
> port for it.
I have found with SF it is best to refer to the "direct link" for
specifying of the MASTER_SITE directive. In a quick glance, it appears that
is the case here, as well.


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