Snag in upgrading p5-XML-SAX and p5-XML-SAX-Base

Thomas Mueller mueller23 at
Mon Oct 22 05:47:35 UTC 2012

> On 21/10/2012 22:44, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> > Now the problem is x11-toolkits/open-motif and lang/tcl85 allegedly trying
> > to install files to the same location, meaning a conflict, and that has me
> > stopped, Error 70.  Is there any command under pkg that would help?

> That's a problem with the underlying ports, and should be reported as a
> bug to their maintainers.  pkgng is stricter about such things than
> pkg_tools, hence a number of cases coming to light as pkgng usage starts
> to ramp up.

> > Now I wonder where error codes are documented.  I see Error 1 and 2 most
> > frequently, but where do I find what Error 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc mean?

> pkgng uses sysexits.h for almost all of its error codes. 70 is
> EX_SOFTWARE.  See sysexits(3).  Unfortunately, the error descriptions in
> that manual page are so generic it doesn't really tell you anything much
> about what actually went wrong.  There should be some sort of error
> message though.

> Cheers,


> Matthew

> -- 
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.  

I can find the port maintainers in the respective Makefiles.  I sent a
message on that subject two days ago, no response so far.  Maybe the
maintainers are off for the weekend; otherwise I can send another message,
with CC to the port maintainers, Tuesday morning, giving time for a Monday

I looked in "man sysexits" and in the referenced file,
/usr/include/sysexits.h : showed error codes 64 to 78.

Where do I find documentation for other error codes?


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