Ports request

marcos alves noidmvp at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 04:25:01 UTC 2012


I had a small discussion with friends about this topic at work. But...
comes out that are few linux games that runs on steam. Maybe  the only big
sensation will be the left4dead that is coming with the plataform release.
Not saying that is not worth to port it... But about the games your son
will be playing.

Marcos Alves

2012/10/6 Paul Pathiakis <pathiaki2 at yahoo.com>

> Good day, ports!
> Something that I have noticed in the world of home desktops....  although
> *BSD is total server package and I can do many things.....
> The StEam platform from ValVe corp is a large step in gaming at this point.
> I have a 13 year old who has a slew of friends on this gaming platform.
>  Minecraft was a huge leap for gaming on the desktop on PC-BSD.  My son
> loves using it on PC-BSD but STEAM is where he is spending more than half
> his time.... on Windoze!!
> StEam is in the process of moving over to Linux. Please don't fall behind
> in the effort of bringing this platform to BSD.
> I've experienced it myself and it is highly addictive.... It's also quite
> open in many ways.
> Thank you for your time on this,
> Paul Pathiakis
> Atlantis Services
> Owner
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