installing GeoIP

Ade Lovett ade at
Mon Mar 5 20:13:49 UTC 2012

On 3/5/2012 12:05, Norman Khine wrote:
> so the problem is not my freebsd box but the package GeoIP that does
> not buid on my box?
> as when i do this:
> $ npm install geoip

'npm' (whatever the hell that is) has precisely nothing to do with 
FreeBSD ports/  -- go bug the maintainers.

> [snip]
> so, would i need to change this file
> as is not finding
> the correct paths to the llibrararies?

No idea.  Honestly, don't particularly care, either.  You've been given 
the necessary incantations for a piece to compile/link against an 
installed port/package.  Multiple times.  It is now entirely up to you 
to determine how to apply that information to whatever build system it 
is that you have.  I'm sure they have a development list. 
freebsd-ports@ isn't it.


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