How to remove erroneous deps from pkgng

Doug Barton dougb at
Fri Jul 20 19:24:21 UTC 2012

On 07/20/2012 12:15, Julien Laffaye wrote:
> On 7/20/2012 9:03 PM, Kimmo Paasiala wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Julien Laffaye <jlaffaye at>
>> wrote:
>>> On 7/20/2012 8:36 PM, Reko Turja wrote:
>>>>> Its use is not limited to Gnome, as you can see it's used in the build
>>>>> process of databases/sqlite3 and there are many other ports that have
>>>>> nothing to do with Gnome that use it the same way. The only thing that
>>>>> is wrong with it is that ends up being a run time dependency of
>>>>> sqlite3 instead of being only a build time dependency. Maybe this
>>>>> could be changed, anyone know if it's possible?
>>>> Actually, sqlite3 builds and works quite fine with pkg-config
>>>> dependency
>>>> removed from makefile. So it's kinda silly to pull it in by force - of
>>>> course it's not pkgng problem, but a problem in the port itself.
>>> sqlite3 installs "/usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/sqlite3.pc".
>>> So I think the rationale is if a developper wants to link against
>>> sqlite3
>>> using the pkg-config file, he should have pkg-config on his machine.
>>> If you go this way, you could also ask why sqlite3 install header files
>>> which are not needed for the runtime dependency (when what is
>>> required is
>>> only the shared object)...
>> This could be handled by having pkg-config only as a build time
>> dependency for sqlite3 and for any port that depends on it, pkg-config
>> is a build time tool much like autoconf, automake, libtool etc. and is
>> not needed to use the port at run time.

This is correct.

> Yes it is needed at runtime if you are a developper using sqlite3 and
> pkg-config:
> to use `pkg-config sqlite3 --cflags` and `pkg-config sqlite3 --libs` in
> your $APP build process.

If you're developing a port, then the port needs to have a build dep on
pkg-config. If you're developing your own stuff, then you need to
install pkg-config as a build tool, just like you would (theoretically)
install gmake, autoconf, etc.

Run dependencies are for things that the installed package needs in
order to *run*.



    Change is hard.

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