Rebuilding png and perl without rebuilding a whole lot of ports twice

Doug Barton dougb at
Tue Jul 17 04:56:38 UTC 2012

On 07/16/2012 21:42, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> from RW <rwmaillists at>:
>> Portupgrade and portmanager can do this - I don't know about
>> portmaster. In portupgrade it would be:
>> portupgrade -rf perl png
>> portmanager automatically builds ports that depend on out of date ports.
> I would first need to 
> portmaster -o lang/perl5.16 lang/perl5.14

I already gave you a process that I know will work for you. If you
choose to ignore that advice, please don't complain if it goes pear-shaped.

> Not sure if category is necessary with portmaster, but portupgrade never worked for me without the category, thus
> portupgrade graphics/png would work, but not
> portupgrade png

I think that with portupgrade png\* would work there. portmaster doesn't
require you to use the *, and in fact will strip it off before using its
own internal pattern matching algorithm.

> Then, from UPDATING file, I could do either
> portmaster p5-

I specifically recommend not doing that, as you'll end up with stuff
that's mixed between the old and new versions, which can cause problems.

> Maybe I could combine these as
> portmaster -r png- -r perl-
> Would that work right?

Reading the man page can answer that question for you. :)



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