editors/libreoffice : doesn't detect libexttextcat since lib name change

Olivier Smedts olivier at gid0.org
Mon Jul 16 10:03:08 UTC 2012

CC-ing the libreoffice maintainer.

2012/7/16 Olivier Smedts <olivier at gid0.org>:
> I changed the LIB_DEPENDS in editors/libreoffice to match the library
> installed by libexttextcat-3.3.1, but didn't post it here because I'm
> not sure what I changed is *the* good fix :
> exttextcat-1.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/libexttextcat \

The build now fails for the lingucomponent component. I changed
utfstrlen() to utf8_strlen() as suggested by clang and it seems to
compile and run fine, but I see gentoo took another path :
See also :

Olivier Smedts                                                 _
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