gam_server (gamin-0.1.10_4) consumes 100% CPU (one core) with libinotify (libinotify-20110829)

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Fri Jul 13 17:00:49 UTC 2012

Hello, Ports.

  I've installed "darktable" port, which brings up "gamin" (configured
 with  libinotify),  and  now when I run darktable gam_Server consumes
 100% of my CPU (one core).

  ktrace  shows  that it spins in tight loop with kevent() call, which
 always failed:

 71730 gam_server 0.000175 CALL  kevent(0x3,0x8043bc000,0xb5,0x7fffffbfdf90,0x1,0)
 71730 gam_server 0.000239 GIO   fd 3 wrote 4096 bytes
 71730 gam_server 0.000252 RET   kevent -1 errno 9 Bad file descriptor
 71730 gam_server 0.000255 CALL  kevent(0x3,0x8043bc000,0xb5,0x7fffffbfdf90,0x1,0)
 71730 gam_server 0.000312 GIO   fd 3 wrote 4096 bytes
 71730 gam_server 0.000323 RET   kevent -1 errno 9 Bad file descriptor
 71730 gam_server 0.000325 CALL  kevent(0x3,0x8043bc000,0xb5,0x7fffffbfdf90,0x1,0)
 71730 gam_server 0.000382 GIO   fd 3 wrote 4096 bytes
 71730 gam_server 0.000392 RET   kevent -1 errno 9 Bad file descriptor

   and so on...

I'm using

FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #32: Fri Jun  1 00:49:11 MSK 2012     root at  amd64

FS is UFS2.

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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