Dropbox on FreeBSD

Jerry jerry at seibercom.net
Thu Dec 20 15:33:04 UTC 2012

On Thu, 20 Dec 2012 13:45:13 +0000
Chris Rees articulated:

> It needs porting to kevent.
> Someone may do it for payment, some may do it for fun, but no-one
> will do it for you until you learn some manners.
> Or you could do it yourself.

I have suggested several times that FreeBSD create a fund specifically
for the hiring of professional programmers to take care of these edge
problems. Or, in the case of poor support for quality wireless devices,
a team devoted to creating drivers for them.

Other OSs have gone this route to varying degrees with good success.
However, FreeBSD continues to lag behind. The FreeBSD team seems more
interested in bumping major version numbers than creating a fully
functional OS. In my opinion, version 9 is really nothing more than
version 7.x.

Since I figured out how to make Dropbox work with the files in question
on my FreeBSD box just fine from an MS Windows machine, I am no longer
interested in getting a native FreeBSD version of Drobbox; although, I
do think it would be a worthwhile endeavor nevertheless.

Jerry ♔

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