HEADS UP: ports/ and 10.0-CURRENT
h h
aakuusta at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 06:36:19 UTC 2011
Kevin Oberman <kob6558 at gmail.com> writes:
> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 9:03 PM, Ade Lovett <ade at freebsd.org> wrote:
>> With the advent of the conversion of HEAD to 10.0-CURRENT and, as to be
>> expected, ports/ is going to be essentially unusable for a while.
>> The issue stems from configure scripts (to choose something completely
>> at random) assuming that FreeBSD would never jump to a double-digit
>> major version number, and as such, various regexps for "freebsd1*" (ie:
>> FreeBSD 1.1.x) are now matching "freebsd10".
> aDe,
> Could an entry to this effect be added to UPDATING (with a matching
> entry when ports/ is "unbroken").
Also mention a workaround, e.g.
$ export UNAME_r='9.9-BLAH'
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