Xorp 1.8.4 is released.

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Wed Sep 21 21:25:38 UTC 2011

Thanks for letting us know.

FYI, there is currently no maintainer for this port in the FreeBSD tree,
so if any of our users want to take this on they should submit a PR.


On 09/21/2011 11:03, Ben Greear wrote:
> Hello BSD maintainers!
> If you have any patches to help make xorp 1.8.4 work
> better on bsd, please send them to me and I'll incorporate
> them into the upstream xorp code.
> I have uploaded binaries & source code to www.xorp.org.
> The downloads link points to xorp.org now instead of SourceForge,
> but I put the windows binary and source code snapshot on sourceforge
> and github as well, just in case someone prefers that.
> Generally, 1.8.4 is mostly a bug-fix release.
> Here's the release notes highlights:
>     *  Add async-XRL support, from Steven Simpson
>     *  Fix bug in deleting non-VLAN interface.  Commit would fail
>        because the code would attempt to remove the interface from
>        the kernel and fail.
>     *  Fix BSD related crash when adding interface with same ifindex
>        as a previous interface.  OpenBSD has the nasty habit of re-using
>        the ifindex when creating/deleting virtual interfaces.
>     *  Fix multicast bug that totally breaks XORP multicast on recent
>        Linux kernels.  The problem is that I chose the wrong default
>        multicast routing table (254, instead of 253 as it should be).
>        So, if users don't specify a routing table, it pokes routes into
>        the wrong table.  This wasn't caught in my testing because I always
>        explicitly set the routing table ID.
>     *  Add some env variable controlled debugging to the libxorp and
> libxipc
>        logic for better debugging of xrls and the event loop.
> Full release notes and change log are available here:
> http://www.xorp.org/releases/1.8.4/docs/RELEASE_NOTES
> Thanks,
> Ben


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