Re-starting daemons across upgrades? (was: Thank you (for making the ports less boring).)

Chris Rees crees at
Fri Sep 16 18:25:41 UTC 2011

2011/9/16 Łukasz Wąsikowski <lukasz at>:
> W dniu 2011-09-16 18:17, Eric pisze:
>> Just for ref regarding (c) on the portupgrade wiki page[1] it mentions using
>> AFTERINSTALL in pkgtools.conf for doing automatic stop/start/restart.
> I'm using it for a long time on my personal box and it's not that great.
> After some updates there is need to prepare the daemon - adjust
> configuration for example. Automatic restart will do much harm in that
> case. Another example: update when there's apache and php in new
> versions, system has also eaccelerator and some pecl's installed. If php
> was updated before apache, then apache restart via AFTERINSTALL will
> leave you with not working www server (because eaccelerator and pecl's
> were not recompiled). Updating ports should never turn off or restart
> service - thats my $0.02.

I had a thought about implementing this in, but to tell
the truth it would be better handled by your port manager of choice--
I can't find an option for portmaster, but I bet someone willing to
send a working patch to dougb can earn themselves some brownie points.

I would do it myself, but meh.... it doesn't upset me that much.

However, having services not restarted after an upgrade can leave you
with a) a vulnerable older service and b) a nasty shock when you
decide to reboot six months later and it breaks :)


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