x11/xvattr - why exoired?

Torfinn Ingolfsen tingox at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 19:50:30 UTC 2011

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Heino Tiedemann
<rotkaps_spam_trap at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need the port x11/xvattr.
> But now it is expired :(
> See his PR:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=149851

It seems from that PR that VLC should be fixed - you could always ask
the developers there if they are going to fix it.

> So xvattr is needed to set the attributes to xv.
> What can I do?

Perhaps there is another tool to change the attributes?

Normally I would use portdowngrade[1] to get the port back, but it
looks like it doesn't work with expired ports:
root at kg-v2# pinfo xvattr
Port:	x11/xvattr
Date:	2011-09-07
Reason:	Has expired: No more public distfiles

root at kg-v2# portdowngrade -s
:pserver:anoncvs at anoncvs.fr.FreeBSD.org:/home/ncvs x11/xvattr

portdowngrade 0.6 by Heiner Eichmann
Please note, that nothing is changed in the ports tree
unless it is explicitly permitted in step 6!

Seeking port x11/xvattr ... not found

1) http://www.freshports.org/ports-mgmt/portdowngrade/
Torfinn Ingolfsen

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