Firefox 4 with PGO compile error

Daniel Nebdal dnebdal at
Thu May 26 11:06:33 UTC 2011

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 4:31 AM, Neko Chang <epopen at> wrote:
> 2011/5/25 Daniel Nebdal <dnebdal at>:
>> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 5:22 AM, Neko Chang <epopen at> wrote:
>>> Hi FreeBSD team :D
>>> I tried build firefox 4 with PGO support via ports under GNOME
>>> 2.32.1(ordinary user, but build firefox by root), but build fail.
>>> Later I posted the problem to FreeBSD support
>>> forums,(
>>> But can't solve it.
>>> So I write the mail :D
>>> Please help me....
>>> * Output from 'uname -a'.
>>> FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE #0: Sat Apr 23
>>> 16:23:23 CST 2011     localhost:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/Kernel  amd64
>>> * Output from 'ident /usr/ports/www/firefox/Makefile'
>>> /usr/ports/www/firefox/Makefile:
>>>     $FreeBSD: ports/www/firefox/Makefile,v 1.240 2011/04/29 06:31:39 flo Exp $
>>> * Where/when did the problem occur: configuring, building, or   running firefox
>>>  Build.
>>> * How can you reproduce the problem?
>>>  If turn-on PGO in "make config"
>>> Under is error message....
>>> if test -d ../../../../dist/bin ; then touch
>>> ../../../../dist/bin/.purgecaches ; fi
>>> gmake[5]: Leaving directory
>>> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/other-licenses/branding/firefox/locales'
>>> hg: not found
>>> Making langpack
>>> /usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/locales/../../dist/install/firefox-4.0.1.en-US.langpack.xpi
>>> /usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/config/nsinstall
>>> -D ../../dist/install/
>>> /usr/local/bin/perl5.12.3
>>> /usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/config/
>>> -DMOZ_LANGPACK_EID=langpack-en-US at
>>> -DLOCALE_SRCDIR=/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/browser/locales/en-US
>>> -DPKG_BASENAME="firefox-4.0.1.en-US.freebsd8.2-amd64"
>>> -DPKG_INST_BASENAME="firefox-4.0.1.en-US.freebsd8.2-amd64.installer"
>>> -DNS_ALWAYS_INLINE=__attribute__\(\(always_inline\)\)
>>> -DNS_ATTR_MALLOC=__attribute__\(\(malloc\)\)
>>> -DNS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT=__attribute__\(\(warn_unused_result\)\)
>>> -DNS_NORETURN=__attribute__\(\(noreturn\)\) -DMOZ_PHOENIX=1
>>> -DMOZ_DISTRIBUTION_ID=\"org.mozilla\" -DMOZ_PANGO=1
>>> -DMOZ_DEFAULT_MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=\"/usr/local/lib/firefox\"
>>> -DMOZ_UA_BUILDID=\"20100101\" -DMOZ_DLL_SUFFIX=\".so\"
>>> -I/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/toolkit/locales/en-US/
>>> -I/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/browser/locales/en-US/
>>> /usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/browser/locales/generic/install.rdf
>>>> ../../dist/xpi-stage/locale-en-US/install.rdf
>>> cd ../../dist/xpi-stage/locale-en-US && \
>>>  /usr/local/bin/zip -r9D
>>> /usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/locales/../../dist/install/firefox-4.0.1.en-US.langpack.xpi
>>> install.rdf chrome chrome.manifest -x chrome/en-US.manifest
>>>  adding: install.rdf (deflated 50%)
>>>  adding: chrome/en-US.jar (deflated 75%)
>>>  adding: chrome.manifest (deflated 78%)
>>> gmake[4]: Leaving directory
>>> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/locales'
>>> gmake[3]: Leaving directory
>>> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/installer'
>>> gmake tools
>>> gmake[3]: Entering directory
>>> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/installer'
>>> gmake[3]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
>>> gmake[3]: Leaving directory
>>> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/installer'
>>> if test -d ../../dist/bin ; then touch ../../dist/bin/.purgecaches ; fi
>>> hg: not found
>>> gmake[2]: Leaving directory
>>> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/installer'
>>> gmake[1]: Leaving directory
>>> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2'
>>> OBJDIR=obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2 /usr/local/bin/python2.7
>>> obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/_profile/pgo/
>>> args: ['/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/dist/firefox/firefox-bin',
>>> '-no-remote', '-profile',
>>> '/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/_profile/pgo/pgoprofile/',
>>> '']
>>> INFO | | Application pid: 95151
>>> (firefox-bin:95151): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:
>>> None of the authentication protocols specified are supported.
>>> **
>>> GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2270:initable_init: assertion failed:
>>> (connection->initialization_error == NULL)
>>> TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | | Exited with code -6 during test run
>>> INFO | | Application ran for: 0:00:03.279356
>>> INFO | | Reading PID log: /tmp/tmpJZSM19pidlog
>>> gmake: *** [profiledbuild] Error 250
>>> *** Error code 1
>>> Stop in /usr/ports/www/firefox.
>>> *** Error code 1
>>> Stop in /usr/ports/www/firefox.
>>> [/usr/ports/www/firefox]#
>>> ====
>>> Make start, System print-out under message
>>> To build Firefox with PGO support you need a running X server and
>>>   build this port with an user who could access the X server!
>>> During the build a Firefox instance will start and run some test.
>>>      Do not interrupt or close Firefox during this tests!
>>> The message and error log, I think firefox need connect a daemon
>>> (localhost:8888) if PGO support ON when build.
>>> But I don't know what daemon  need, even Google.....
>>> If I help to debug, Please tell me.
>>> Thanks your hard work, Let us good firefox :D
> Thanks  Daniel Nebdal
>> I *think* that error is because it expects a gnome session (or at
>> least a dbus server) to be available. If you used plain "su" to become
>> root, it won't have the right environment. Could you try either sudo
>> or su -m ?
> I tried your suggest "su -m" for compile firefox and got under error log...
> cd ../../dist/xpi-stage/locale-en-US && \
>  /usr/local/bin/zip -r9D
> /usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/locales/../../dist/install/firefox-4.0.1.en-US.langpack.xpi
> install.rdf chrome chrome.manifest -x chrome/en-US.manifest
>  adding: install.rdf (deflated 50%)
>  adding: chrome/en-US.jar (deflated 75%)
>  adding: chrome.manifest (deflated 78%)
> gmake[4]: Leaving directory
> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/locales'
> gmake[3]: Leaving directory
> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/installer'
> gmake tools
> gmake[3]: Entering directory
> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/installer'
> gmake[3]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
> gmake[3]: Leaving directory
> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/installer'
> if test -d ../../dist/bin ; then touch ../../dist/bin/.purgecaches ; fi
> hg: not found
> gmake[2]: Leaving directory
> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/browser/installer'
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory
> `/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2'
> OBJDIR=obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2 /usr/local/bin/python2.7
> obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/_profile/pgo/
> args: ['/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/dist/firefox/firefox-bin',
> '-no-remote', '-profile',
> '/usr/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-2.0/obj-amd64-unknown-freebsd8.2/_profile/pgo/pgoprofile/',
> '']
> INFO | | Application pid: 34583
> **
> GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2270:initable_init: assertion failed:
> (connection->initialization_error == NULL)
> TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | | Exited with code -6 during test run
> INFO | | Application ran for: 0:00:03.013733
> INFO | | Reading PID log: /tmp/tmpKm9_Mgpidlog
> gmake: *** [profiledbuild] Error 250
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/www/firefox.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/www/firefox.
> ** Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/bin/script -qa
> /tmp/portupgrade20110526-91985-h6sf0l-0 env UPGRADE_TOOL=portupgrade
> UPGRADE_PORT=firefox-4.0.1,1 UPGRADE_PORT_VER=4.0.1,1 make
> ** Fix the problem and try again.
> ** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
>        ! www/firefox (firefox-4.0.1,1) (missing header)
> =====================
> Error message different !
> But tried compile firefox before, I had been upgrade perl-threaded
> from 5.12 to 5.14.
> I can't know why log different, "su -m" or perl....
> So I will try to compile by plain "su" again for confirm.

Before you try compiling - could you try launching a gtk/dbus app from
the su shell? (gedit or whatever). If I just su and try, gedit fails
with "GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2270:initable_init: assertion
failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)" , which seems to
be the same error you got there. On the other hand, "sudo gedit" works
for me ... so I suggest trying sudo.

As for "su -m" , it lets me run simple X apps, but not e.g. gedit: It
looks like it inherits enough to connect to X, but for whatever reason
not enough to connect to the dbus daemon. Weird.

>> As for the :8888 , I think that's just a build-internal thing: To
>> profile, it starts firefox and displays a bunch of web pages, and I
>> think it runs a small python web-server on localhost:8888 to serve
>> them.
> Is your means about:startpage? I think...
> If true, It needn't any server support I tihk. :P
> Because I couldn't saw any daemon listen port 8888 by "netstat" in
> firefox running Ubuntu 11.04 ...
> Thanks you a lot.
> Neko

As I remember it, the profiling run goes through a selection of
different pages, so they can exercise a bit more of their rendering
and javascript engine - and fetching over TCP instead of from a file
means they also get to use those parts of the code. So it's just to
capture some more representative usage data.

Daniel Nebdal

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