"net/sendemail" fails after updating Perl

Hajimu UMEMOTO ume at mahoroba.org
Sun May 22 12:21:57 UTC 2011


>>>>> On Sat, 21 May 2011 08:36:45 -0400
>>>>> Jerry <jerry at seibercom.net> said:

jerry> The port: "/net/sendemail" builds fine after the update to Perl;
jerry> however, it no longer runs. It terminates with this error message:

jerry> Subroutine IO::Socket::INET6::sockaddr_in6 redefined at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.14.0/Exporter.pm line 67.
jerry>  at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.0/IO/Socket/INET6.pm line 21

Perl 5.14 has its own IPv6 support.  I suspect it is conflict with

I found other compatibility issue that 5.14 deesn't has sv_undef,
sv_yes nor sv_no, anymore.  It causes that cyrus-imapd doesn't build
with 5.14.  Perhaps, there are more ports which are affected by this


Hajimu UMEMOTO @ Internet Mutual Aid Society Yokohama, Japan
ume at mahoroba.org  ume@{,jp.}FreeBSD.org

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