Why so many versions of the port science/hdf?

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at missouri.edu
Thu May 12 01:32:59 UTC 2011

Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> Why are there three versions of science/hdf in the ports?
> This is causing problems for me when I try to build the port
> octave-forge.  As dependencies, it calls in the octave port (which
> currently defaults to hdf5), the cgnslib port (which uses hdf5-18), and
> the opendx port (which uses hdf).  All of these ports function perfectly
> well with hdf5.18, because all the different versions of hdf conflict
> with each other.
> If we could settle on using hdf5-18 throughout, that would be great.  (I
> currently maintain opendx, so that would be something I can fix.)
> Are there ports that need hdf but don't build with hdf5-18?
> Thanks, Stephen

Well I feel pretty dumb.  Actually it is my port, opendx, that needs the 
original hdf port.  I forgot to enable "WITH_HDF" before testing it!



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