what to do with multimedia/xvid4conf

Jimmie James jimmiejaz at gmail.com
Sat May 7 00:28:01 UTC 2011

pkgdb -Ff
--->  Checking the package registry database
Stale origin: 'multimedia/xvid4conf': perhaps moved or obsoleted.
-> The port 'multimedia/xvid4conf' was removed on 2011-05-02 because:
	"Has expired: Upstream has disapear and distfile is no more available"
-> Hint:  xvid4conf-1.12_5 is required by the following package(s):
-> Hint: checking for overwritten files...
  -> No files installed by xvid4conf-1.12_5 have been overwritten by 
other packages.
Deinstall xvid4conf-1.12_5 ? [no]

Since it's required by other ports, removing it will break them, so I 
have to be harassed by this message every time I update my ports?  Is 
there a way to "hide" this?

I am currently away on leave, traveling through time and will be 
returning last week.
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid.

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