FreeBSD Port: squeezeboxserver-7.5.3,build okay but fails to start.

spotter spotter at
Sun May 1 14:19:13 UTC 2011

Thanks guys.
I am working on it.

Steven C. Potter I.S.P., ITCP, CNP, IEng, MIED, MBCS CITP
12 Elm Street
Meadowvale (Kingston)
Nova Scotia B0P 1R0
' +1 (902) 242-2454 (Home) 
' +1 (902) 760-2467 (Cell)
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+ spotter at 
 Skype: spotter6060

If memory serves me right, Brooks Davis wrote: 

> On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 07:15:07AM -0700, spotter wrote: 
>> I am having the exact same problem with a brand new FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE 
>> install and a fresh squeezeboxserver (v7.5.3) port build. 
>> (Slimserver was working fine under FreeBSD 6.2, until I tried to get 
>> miniDLNA working, as well, for a BluRay player access to same music library. 
>> sigh) 
>> Any solutions worked out for squeezeboxserver v7.5.3 under FreeBSD 
>> 8.1-RELEASE? 
> Assuming you aren't using mysql for anything else, you might try 
> manually installing an older version and then reinstalling the port.  My 
> squeezeboxserver is running with 5.0.  If that works we should be able 
> to restrict the allowed versions of mysql to ones that work. 
Just another data point:  I have squeezeboxserver-7.5.3 running 
successfully with mysql-server-5.1.55 on FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE/amd64. 



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