Deprecation campaign

Jerry jerry at
Sun May 1 11:34:10 UTC 2011

On Sun, 1 May 2011 09:40:21 +0100
Chris Rees <utisoft at> articulated:

> On 1 May 2011 08:31, "mato" <gamato at> wrote:
> > There are usually many users but only a few are ready to become
> maintainers (for whatever reasons).  So no one stepping up does not
> really mean no one uses a port.  But ok, I'll try to see what I can
> do for ports I might care about..
> >
> They could always pay someone.

You do realize that many here would consider that blasphemy. While it
might be advantageous, like so many other capitalistic concepts, it
is not likely to get a foothold in this galère.

Perhaps asking the community for a list of users wishing to offer free
space for hosting orphaned ports/distfiles/etcetera might be an easier

Jerry ✌
jerry+ports at

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