Deprecation campaign
gamato at
Sun May 1 07:31:03 UTC 2011
Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On 2011-Apr-26 02:02:02 +0200, martinko<gamato at> wrote:
>> I understand you want to remove a port if it does not build and there is
>> no one (in long time) to fix it. However, deprecating because a dist
>> file moved, while port may be perfectly functional, seems a bit too
>> much, imho.
> For these ports, the port as it stands does not fetch. Someone needs
> to update the port with the new distfile location - this is the
> responsibility of the port's maintainer. If a port remains broken for
> an extended period, it indicates that no-one cares about it any longer
> and therefore no-one should miss it if it's deleted.
>> So why would we deny them using the
>> ports if all it takes is publishing the port files somewhere ? And
>> since FreeBSD has the infrastructure and resources I see no issue in
>> providing parking for such distfiles, especially if we believe they are
>> used by minority of users. Or is there something I miss here ?
> Who do you see as responsible for doing this? Whilst the FreeBSD
> Project has resources for storing/distributing distfiles, it takes
> human effort to verify that the port's license allows the FreeBSD
> Project to host the distfile and to actually copy the distfile. That
> person also needs to distinguish between the cases:
> a) The port is up-to-date and the distfile has moved
> b) The project (and hence distfile) have been renamed
> c) The port is so out-of-date that the distfie has been removed
> by the vendor
> Whilst the effort required for a single port may not be great, the
> total effort to work through all the ports in this situation would be
> substantial. This is not the task of the port committers group.
> It's up to the port's users to come up with a maintainer - if none of
> a port's users are willing to put in the effort to ensure that the
> port remains usable, why should the FreeBSD Project expend scarce
> resources to offering that port?
> If there are ports on the deprecated list that you use, maybe it's
> up to you to step up and maintain them.
There are usually many users but only a few are ready to become
maintainers (for whatever reasons). So no one stepping up does not
really mean no one uses a port. But ok, I'll try to see what I can do
for ports I might care about..
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