[HEADS UP] Ports Infrastructure Changes

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Wed Mar 23 18:38:20 UTC 2011

On 03/23/2011 11:34, Olivier Smedts wrote:
> 2011/3/23 Doug Barton<dougb at freebsd.org>:
>> On 03/23/2011 03:48, Peter Jeffery wrote:
>>> If I was looking for the Opera port, I'd look in www-clients and if
>>> it wasn't in there then the next thing that I would be doing is hand
>>> searching the INDEX file
>> cd /usr/ports/&&  make search name=opera
> Or
> find /usr/ports -maxdepth 2 -name opera
> Slower than make search but faster than building an INDEX file before
> make search !

Who said anything about building an INDEX? :)  If you use portsnap to 
update your ports tree it comes along for free. If not, then 'make 
fetchindex' will do the trick for you.



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