[FYI] Fwd: cvs commit: ports UPDATING ports/Mk bsd.python.mk

Martin Wilke miwi at FreeBSD.org
Fri Mar 4 16:14:05 UTC 2011

For the Record: Python 2.7 is now default.

Please read careful

I’d like to say many thanks to:

lwhsu@, wen@, bf@ for helping to fix all fallouts.

Happy Updating.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin Wilke <miwi at freebsd.org>
Date: Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 12:08 AM
Subject: cvs commit: ports UPDATING ports/Mk bsd.python.mk
To: ports-committers at freebsd.org, cvs-ports at freebsd.org, cvs-all at freebsd.org

miwi        2011-03-04 16:08:23 UTC

 FreeBSD ports repository

 Modified files:
   .                    UPDATING
   Mk                   bsd.python.mk
 - Make Python 2.7.1 the default Python version

 Tested by:      2x pointyhat runs

 Revision  Changes    Path
 1.127     +7 -7      ports/Mk/bsd.python.mk
 1.1036    +37 -1     ports/UPDATING

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