FreeBSD Port games/hlstats

Chris Rees crees at
Wed Jun 22 14:30:30 UTC 2011

On 22 June 2011 08:08, Banana <banana at> wrote:
> On 15.06.11 17:17, wen heping wrote:
>> 2011/6/15 Banana<banana at>:
>>> Hello,
>>> i'm the current developer of HLStats (
>>> and
>>> I would offer my help about the hlstats port.
>> Currently games/hlstats is unmaintained and mark BROKEN , if it remain
>> for a long time , it should be removed from FreeBSD portstree. Would
>> you maintain it and unbreak it ?
>>> If somebody could tell me what to do, or where I can find more
>>> information
>>> about managing a port I would do it.
>> Here is the first step:
>> wen
> well, I've copied the ports dir and modified the files. Ran portlint and it
> says "looks fine"
> Gonna try the installation next.
> What needs to be done, or what are the next steps ?
> Where should I send the diff patch or do I upload the changed files
> somewhere ?
> I've a long free weekend ahead and I'm not sure if I'm online, but I will
> work further with this port and I'm willing to take the mantainer part for
> the hlstats port.
> Thx,
> Banana

Have a look in the Porter's Handbook about sending us patches -- Wen
sent you the link earlier.

One of us will pick up the problem report and deal with it for you.

Thank you for helping to make FreeBSD better!


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