vigra 1.7.1

Vasil Dimov vd at
Fri Jul 1 07:16:37 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 15:13:12 +0300, Gritsuk Anton wrote:
> It's not work for me. Why?
> See the attach file.


===>>> The dependency for science/hdf5-18^M                                          
       seems to be handled by hdf5-1.6.9_1^M                                         

Since graphics/vigra asks for libhdf5 and that library is provided by
both science/hdf5 and science/hdf5-18 portmaster considers that using
science/hdf5 is ok, but it is not.

I have changed the dependency to, which is only provided by

Vasil Dimov
gro.DSBeerF at dv
"In an open world without walls and fences,
 we wouldn't need Windows and Gates."  -- anon
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