XBMC port

Juergen Lock nox at jelal.kn-bremen.de
Tue Oct 5 21:49:55 UTC 2010

In article <AANLkTi=wbWjAjPPNJTUB-g1obG=WH0g0hNUXKj0Gnm9M at mail.gmail.com> you write:
>you can test my pre version of xbmc port
>some infos:
>- i host xbmc files because i can't find a recent tar.gz

 Is this the head branch (trunk)?  I'm not sure but its possible
the pvr-testing2 branch is more popular,


because it adds pvr (live tv, dvb...) support so you can use xbmc
with e.g. mythtv(?) or vdr (actually I was looking forward to test
it with my preliminary vdr ports,


because for example xbmc is supposed to be faster at switching
channels - only to discover you ported the `wrong' branch. :)

>- internal video player crash on my intel graphic, you can use mplayer
>as external video player
>ex: http://fneufn.eu/freebsd/xbmc/playercorefactory.xml in ~/.xbmc/userdata/
>- vdpau works fine
>- skin aeon65 crash xbmc
>- only python 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 are supported
>- with pulse, i can choose /dev/dsp audio output
>- good luck with custom alsa output (ex: alsa:surround51 works)
>- if you want correct utf8, start xbmc with:
>LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 /usr/local/bin/xbmc/xbmc.sh
>- xbmc.bin need XBMC_BIN_HOME and XBMC_HOME defined to start
>defaults are (already added in xbmc.sh):
>- timezone doesn't work
>- plist without: faac, hal, nonfree or avahi option can be wrong

 Anyway, I use RV730 PRO [Radeon HD 4650] graphics on a PhenomII
box here and got playback working (including 1080i dvb-s2 h264
recordings from vdr), but first I had to disable tvout in xorg.conf
(Option "ATOMTvOut") because with it xbmc kept turning off my lcd
even after I told it to keep it on, and I found no option to ignore
tvout or select the lcd as main display.

 Thanx, :)

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