games/oneko-sakura conflicts with games/oneko

Shaun Amott shaun at
Sat May 29 19:58:01 UTC 2010

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 07:05:42PM +0200, Demelier David wrote:
>    Just a little issue to fix with games/oneko-sakura, the both ports install
>    the same binary and man, you can install both on your machine but only one
>    /usr/local/bin/oneko will appears.
>    I propose to add a little CONFLICTS entry, what do you think?
>    1. install games/oneko
>    2. install games/oneko-sakura
>    3. pkg_delete oneko-1\* (games/oneko)
>    4. pkg_delete oneko\*
>    pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/man/man6/oneko.6.gz' doesn't exist
>    pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/bin/oneko' doesn't exist
>    ^

Good catch. I've added mutual CONFLICTS.

Shaun Amott // PGP: 0x6B387A9A
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin
of little minds." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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