Status of Xorg 7.5 and xfce4?

Richard Kuhns rjk at
Wed May 5 13:08:22 UTC 2010


I've just updated the first of 3 machines running FreeBSD 8.0 as of a week or so
ago, and after the update I couldn't start my desktop. Googling revealed that
it's a known problem, but the only solution I could find was to delete
xfce4-session. While doing so allows me to use my desktop again, it's obviously
not the best answer.

Has there been any progress on fixing this problem? I don't want to update the
other machines until it's resolved.

I'll be happy to help with any testing and/or supplying more details about my
setup. At this moment, though, there's nothing to add that isn't already in the
mailing list archives.

Richard Kuhns <rjk at>     My Desk:          765-269-8541
Wintek Corporation                 Internet Support: 765-269-8503
427 N 6th Street STE C             Consulting:       765-269-8504
Lafayette, IN 47901-2211           Accounting:       765-269-8502

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