Philip Paeps philip at
Wed Mar 24 17:14:20 UTC 2010

On 2010-03-23 13:37:48 (+0100), Stefan Bethke <stb at> wrote:
> When I was looking for ISC DHCP server version 4 or newer, I was surprised
> that I didn't find any port.  Am I looking for the wrong thing, or is 3.1
> really the newest version in ports?
> What are people using for IPv6?

I'm using ISC DHCPv4 for IPv6, but I've not got around to actually turning it
into a port in much the same style as the v3 ports currently in the tree (with
sepparate ports for the client and the server and such).

It would not surprise me if there are many other people in similar situations.

There's also something to be said for picking up DHCPv4 for the base system,
but that's a different discussion. :-)

 - Philip

Philip Paeps                                    Please don't Cc me, I am
philip at                               subscribed to the list.

  Pills to be taken in twos always come
  out of the bottle in threes.

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